Free Online Ceremonies

The Universal Life Church offers free ceremonies of a wide variety of types, online for your use. Wedding, funeral, baby naming ceremonies and more for your use.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Online Ceremonies

Gather a small group of friends who are making this transition.

Ask them each to prepare their favorite dish to share with the group.

Set the tone by lighting candles and remind them that just as birthing a child can be a painful and yet amazing transition when done consciously, the same is true for allowing the child to fly. So this ritual is about bring deeper consciousness to the emotions and feelings surrounding this transition.

The leader might being with the reading "A New Dance" and then do a guided meditation.

Asking each guest to travel through the years that they spent with their children.
Allowing any feelings to just be notices, sadness, guilt, joy, pride.

Bring them to the present moment, and allow them to visualize themselves in a garden surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants, tall oaks, and climbing vines. Allow them to walk around the grounds and find a place to sit. In this place have them ask for the continued perfect unfoldment, for continued guidance, and for continued grace.

Allow them to look out at all the paths that lay ahead of them, there are some that lead to the ocean, some that lead to the city, some that lead to a party of dancing people, some that lead to a library and museums. etc.

Then ask them just to notice the paths and give thanks for all these possible perfect path ways of their future. Remind them that they always carry the blood of their offspring with them where ever they go. Remind them that the same is true for their children. Their children carry apart of their parents forever. So that the two will
never be severed.

Have tissues, note paper and pens available.

Invite each member to write about their experience and  any thoughts or ideas that may have come to light. Invite them to share with the group or just hold on to it.

Bless and share the meal.

Best of luck with your project. I know it all unfolds with effortless ease and for the greater good of all.



The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

You can  become an ordained minister, for free,  and for life, so use this Free Online Ordination, link.

This  online seminary, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies

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