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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Secular Gay Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Ceremonies
Secular Ceremonies Couples can choose to have a secular ceremony if they feel their faiths would conflict, if they have no particular faith or if they particularly want an agnostic or atheistic ceremony. One good thing about a secular ceremony is that you don't have to fit in with any regulations -“ most ceremonies are based around asking for a god's blessing, adapting church ceremonies to fit in with a couple's wishes. Secular ceremonies are solely about the couple's commitment to each other.

There are several types of secularist ceremonies. Humanist celebrants offer wedding ceremonies that concentrate on the power of the human spirit and do not invoke or refer to any type of religion, god or deity. Humanist celebrants in America are certified by a division of the American Humanist Association and will generally talk with couples to help them decide what they want their ceremony to be like.

Atheist ceremonies take a stand against religion, acknowledging that the couple come together for their shared love and do not ask the authority of any god to bless their union. Couples may have friends read passages of favorite texts to demonstrate the couple's feelings for each other.

Gay wedding vows for secular gay ceremonies can take any form a couple wishes, although it is generally a good idea to look at existing vows for inspiration. A couple may wish to include a favorite love poem or inspirational writing in their vows, as well as a list of promises to their spouse. 


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