Free Online Ceremonies

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pagan Ceremonies

  Pagan wedding ceremonies, often called 'handfastings,' are a good option for couples who wish to celebrate the spirituality of their union without getting involved in the minutia of religious debate. Paganism is a religion that celebrates the holiness of nature. Worshipers do not follow a formal doctrine, and although committed Pagans gather to worship together the religion for many is more about an attitude to spirituality and the world.

A gay Pagan ceremony is fairly easy to organize. Couples can choose to track down a Pagan celebrant or instruct their own celebrant on how to conduct the ceremony. The celebrant will invoke the blessing of the God and Goddess, which are acknowledged to come in thousands of forms. The couple light a candle to honor the gods and signify the beginning of their new life. The couple may further invoke the blessings of the spirits by saying 'blessed be'. The celebrant will then conduct the handfasting ritual, asking the couple to join hands and wrapping the joined hands in a strip of red cloth. Gay couples may choose to have a rainbow hand fasting, using gay accessories of strips of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple cloth to represent the chakras and their sexuality. The couple then exchange vows, asking the sky and earth to bestow the union with their elements.

Couples who are interested in traditional paganism may choose to include a broom, to sweep away past hurts, and a chalice of wine, to represent their combined spirits. Pagan gay wedding ceremonies are particularly suited to the range of gay accessories available at the moment. Jewelry pieces that use color or flowing, circular designs will further invoke the elements of nature to bless the union of the gay couple.


The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

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