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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gay Jewish Ceremony

1. Gay Jewish Ceremony Same-sex marriage is not supported in orthodox Judaism, but like most religions there are Rabbis that are willing to support a couple's union despite sexual orientation or interfaith issues.

American Rabbi Miriam Jerris advocates Secular Humanist Judaism and has adapted the Jewish wedding ceremony for gay couples. The different belief systems of Secular Humanist Judaism means that although religious traditions are incorporated into the gay wedding ceremony, the focus is on the human aspects of their union rather than on any particular religion.

Rabbi Jerris says that couples should select parts of the Jewish gay wedding ceremony that reflect the backgrounds of the couple, and incorporating rituals or symbols from their respective cultural or religious upbringings. In a typical Jewish-Christian gay wedding ceremony, for example, couples use a chuppah, or wedding canopy, and the ceremony involves the drinking of wine, a unity candle, readings, and a breaking of the glass. The significance, symbolism, and origins of these traditions is explained by the Rabbi to the gathered guests.

For Jewish couples, Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann, also American, has adapted a traditional ceremony that acknowledges the different relationship of the gay couple while staying close to the religious traditions of a Jewish wedding.

Couples should talk to their local temple or contact gay-friendly Jewish groups for information on a Rabbi to conduct a gay Jewish wedding ceremony.


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