Free Online Ceremonies

The Universal Life Church offers free ceremonies of a wide variety of types, online for your use. Wedding, funeral, baby naming ceremonies and more for your use.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Secular Gay Wedding Ceremony

Wedding Ceremonies
Secular Ceremonies Couples can choose to have a secular ceremony if they feel their faiths would conflict, if they have no particular faith or if they particularly want an agnostic or atheistic ceremony. One good thing about a secular ceremony is that you don't have to fit in with any regulations -“ most ceremonies are based around asking for a god's blessing, adapting church ceremonies to fit in with a couple's wishes. Secular ceremonies are solely about the couple's commitment to each other.

There are several types of secularist ceremonies. Humanist celebrants offer wedding ceremonies that concentrate on the power of the human spirit and do not invoke or refer to any type of religion, god or deity. Humanist celebrants in America are certified by a division of the American Humanist Association and will generally talk with couples to help them decide what they want their ceremony to be like.

Atheist ceremonies take a stand against religion, acknowledging that the couple come together for their shared love and do not ask the authority of any god to bless their union. Couples may have friends read passages of favorite texts to demonstrate the couple's feelings for each other.

Gay wedding vows for secular gay ceremonies can take any form a couple wishes, although it is generally a good idea to look at existing vows for inspiration. A couple may wish to include a favorite love poem or inspirational writing in their vows, as well as a list of promises to their spouse. 


The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pagan Ceremonies

  Pagan wedding ceremonies, often called 'handfastings,' are a good option for couples who wish to celebrate the spirituality of their union without getting involved in the minutia of religious debate. Paganism is a religion that celebrates the holiness of nature. Worshipers do not follow a formal doctrine, and although committed Pagans gather to worship together the religion for many is more about an attitude to spirituality and the world.

A gay Pagan ceremony is fairly easy to organize. Couples can choose to track down a Pagan celebrant or instruct their own celebrant on how to conduct the ceremony. The celebrant will invoke the blessing of the God and Goddess, which are acknowledged to come in thousands of forms. The couple light a candle to honor the gods and signify the beginning of their new life. The couple may further invoke the blessings of the spirits by saying 'blessed be'. The celebrant will then conduct the handfasting ritual, asking the couple to join hands and wrapping the joined hands in a strip of red cloth. Gay couples may choose to have a rainbow hand fasting, using gay accessories of strips of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple cloth to represent the chakras and their sexuality. The couple then exchange vows, asking the sky and earth to bestow the union with their elements.

Couples who are interested in traditional paganism may choose to include a broom, to sweep away past hurts, and a chalice of wine, to represent their combined spirits. Pagan gay wedding ceremonies are particularly suited to the range of gay accessories available at the moment. Jewelry pieces that use color or flowing, circular designs will further invoke the elements of nature to bless the union of the gay couple.


The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Gay Jewish Ceremony

1. Gay Jewish Ceremony Same-sex marriage is not supported in orthodox Judaism, but like most religions there are Rabbis that are willing to support a couple's union despite sexual orientation or interfaith issues.

American Rabbi Miriam Jerris advocates Secular Humanist Judaism and has adapted the Jewish wedding ceremony for gay couples. The different belief systems of Secular Humanist Judaism means that although religious traditions are incorporated into the gay wedding ceremony, the focus is on the human aspects of their union rather than on any particular religion.

Rabbi Jerris says that couples should select parts of the Jewish gay wedding ceremony that reflect the backgrounds of the couple, and incorporating rituals or symbols from their respective cultural or religious upbringings. In a typical Jewish-Christian gay wedding ceremony, for example, couples use a chuppah, or wedding canopy, and the ceremony involves the drinking of wine, a unity candle, readings, and a breaking of the glass. The significance, symbolism, and origins of these traditions is explained by the Rabbi to the gathered guests.

For Jewish couples, Rabbi Patricia Karlin-Neumann, also American, has adapted a traditional ceremony that acknowledges the different relationship of the gay couple while staying close to the religious traditions of a Jewish wedding.

Couples should talk to their local temple or contact gay-friendly Jewish groups for information on a Rabbi to conduct a gay Jewish wedding ceremony.


The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pagan Handfasting Ceremony

Handfasting Ritual with Six Cords

Know now before you go further, that since your lives have crossed in this life you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive to make real, the ideals which give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage. 

With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers.

The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul's growth.

Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?
Yes, We Seek to Enter.
In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East. Communication of the heart, mind, and body Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun. The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South. Warmth of hearth and home The heat of the heart's passion The light created by both To lighten the darkest of times.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river The refreshing cleansing of the rain The all encompassing passion of the sea.
Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North Firm foundation on which to build Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives A stable home to which you may always return.
Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union. Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union.
I bid you look into each others eyes.
[Groom's Name], Will you cause her pain?
I May (What was actually said was an emphatic yes)
Is that you intent?
[Bride's Name], Will you cause him pain?
I may
Is that you intent?
*To Both*
Will you share each other's pain and seek to ease it?
And so the binding is made. Join your hands
*First cord is draped across the bride and grooms hands*
[Bride's Name], Will you share his laughter?
[Groom's Name], Will you share her laughter?
*To Both*
Will both of you look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?
And so the binding is made.
*Second chord is draped across the couples hands*
[Bride's Name], Will you burden him?
I may
Is that you intent?
[Groom's Name], Will you burden her?
I may
Is that your intent?
*To Both*
Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?
And so the binding is made.
*Drape third chord across the couples hands*
[Bride's Name], will you share his dreams?
[Groom's Name], will you share her dreams?
*To Both*
Will you dream together to create new realities and hopes?
And so the binding is made.
*Drape fourth chord across the couples hands*
[Groom's Name], will you cause her anger?
I may
Is that you intent?
[Bride's Name], will you cause him anger?
I may
Is that your intent?
*To Both*
Will you take the heat of anger and use it to temper the strength of this union?
We Will
And so the binding is made.
*Drape fifth chord across the couples hands*
[Bride's Name], Will you honor him?
I will
[Groom's Name], Will you honor her?
I wil
*To Both*
Will you seek to never give cause to break that honor?
We shall never do so
And so the binding is made.
*Drape sixth chord across the couples hands*
*Tie chords together while saying:*
The knots of this binding are not formed by these chords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the chords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making of breaking of this union.
*Once chords are tied together they are removed and placed on altar*


The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Funeral Ceremony - Suicide

This funeral ceremony was for young suicide.  It was co-celebrated by an ULC Minister and a Catholic Priest.
The parents of the boy are long divorced and estranged.  It was very painful.  But everyone said that they were comforted by the service.
November 13, 2007
Opening   (ULC officiant)
To everything there is a season.
A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to reap;
A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance;
A time for every purpose under Heaven.
   Ecclesiates 3:1-8
We gather here today to say goodbye to Jeremy, our beloved and loving Son, Grandson, Brother, Cousin, Nephew and Friend. We come together to share our grief, love and compassion. With heavy hearts we understand that Jeremy had a disease, an addiction that took him from us. We seek his forgiveness for our failures and to forgive him for his weaknesses so we can focus on a path to celebration. A celebration of our Jeremy who touched and charmed everyone who knew him. We will miss Jeremy, who was wonderfully intelligent, loving and always brought his unique perspective to any topic of conversation. The Jeremy that loved to challenge conventional wisdom, and enjoyed reading Philosophy and was interested in ancient Civilizations and cultures. We will always remember Jeremy's quick wit and the gentle caring love he had for his pets, especially Rocky, his boyhood friend, and most recently Roxy. We will all miss our beloved Jeremy and are here to celebrate the boy and man who enriched all our lives.
Scripture recited by the congregation    
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pasture,
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul, He leads me in the
Paths of righteousness for his name sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of
The shadow of death, I fear no evil, for thou
Are with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou prepares a table before me in the presence
of my enemies, thou anoints my head with oil,
my cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.  23rd Psalm
Blessing of the Body       (Father John)
Music by Coldplay, "The Scientist"
Eulogy by the father
Where do I begin?
I am not a writer. I am a father who has lost one of the most precious gifts god has ever given me. It seems like only a moment ago I was a child myself pushing the boundaries and limits my own parents tried to set for me. A moment has passed and now I stand here in a place I could never have imagined.  Jeremy my son so easy to love and yet at times he made it impossible to like him.  Jeremy was at times brilliant and beautiful, hateful and frustrating, funny and sarcastic.  He was hard on the people who loved him most.  Jeremy and I would say goodbye to each other on the phone when he was little, I would say I love you more than all the stars in the sky, he would say I love you more than all the sand on the beach, I would say all the leaves on the trees, this would continue for a short time until someone would declare a winner, usually (Jeremy).  Today I won't say goodbye because although the years will pass and I will struggle to take each breathe and live each day as if tomorrow may never come, it will only be a moment and I will be with you, my son.  I pray you are at peace and know how truly loved you are.  All the stars in the sky, all the sand on the beach.  It's a tie. Nobody won.
All My Heart
        Your Dad
Poem read by the sister
When I come to the end of the road,
and the sun has set for me
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room,
why cry for a soul set free?

Miss me a little but not too long
and not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared
miss me but let me go.

For this is a journey that we all must take
and each must go alone.
It's all a part of the Master's plan-
a step on the road to home.

When you are lonely and sick at heart,
Go to the friends we know,
And bury your sorrow in doing good deeds,
Miss me, but let me go.
(ULC officiant)
It is painful and difficult and happy and joyous to let go and it is time.  Godspeed, dear boy, may flights of angels guide thee to thy rest.     
(Father John)
Let us all rise, join hands, and recite the Lord's Prayer.
(ULC officiate)
We offer the opportunity for those who chose to come forward to say goodbye.
Amazing Grace sung by a cousin
(Father John)
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance Upon you
And give you peace.

Submitted by Rev. Tony Grimwade

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
You can  become an ordained minister, for free,  and for life, so use this Free Online Ordination, link.
This  online seminary, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Friday, September 10, 2010

Online Ceremonies

Othila Handfasting Ceremony   

Universal Life Church

This ceremony binds the hands of two individuals, for wedded life together. This ceremony can be performed for one year and a day,  at which time, a renewal of vows may be taken, or the couple can remain handfasted as long as they both shall live in love.

Altar and cauldron are decorated with flowers as the couple choose. Rose-oil, salt, and incense are placed on the altar  along with A white silk cord . The rings are also placed on the altar.

Friends and family can be seated just outside of the circle, where they can witness the act. Bridal party, including matron of honor, best man and parents, will be lined up inside of the circle. The broom for jumping is used to close the circle after the circle is cast.

Circle is cast and sangrial prayer is recited.

 Who comes to be joined together in the presence of the god and goddess? What is thou name o man?

Groom: my name is _________

Who comes to be joined together in the presence of the god and goddess? What is thou name o woman?

Bride: my name is _________

Who offers her hand to be joined to this man?

Father of the bride: “ I do, with no regrets”

__________ and __________ we greet you with joy.

Having made clear thy intentions to be joined together, as husband and wife, a joining not to be undertaken lightly, do you both swear today before these witnesses, that this is indeed thy intent and you  do make this commitment without reservation, and of thine own free will?

Couple: “ we do”

In the face of this woman, may you see the face of our gentle   mother  goddess. May you find love and warmth, and rest and peace. May you have balance and harmony through the ebb and flows of the tides of life. May you find the   source of healing,  and soothing waters when storms lay ahead.

In the face of this man, may you see the face of our great father   god,  may you find strength and protection, stability and endurance. May you   be provided for , with warmth and shelter when cold winds blow. May his   spirit give you courage, and desire.

Anointing of foreheads with rose-oil; with this oil your love is sealed, may the fragrance of flowers remind you always of the bloom of your love.

Taking bride’s right hand, the white cord is wrapped around her wrist, and tied with a single knot.
Repeat after me;

By seed and stem, flower and root, by life and love, in the name of the goddess, I, _________ take thee, _______

To my hand, my heart, and my spirit.  to love and respect, from this day forward, as long as we live in love together.

Taking grooms   left hand and tieing the other end of the cord to his left hand with a single knot,
Repeat after me;

By seed and stem, flower and root, by life and love, in the name of the god, I _______ take thee ,______

To my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to love and cherish, from this day forward, as long as we live in love together.

At this time the rings are blessed, place them in the dish of salt, to cleanse, and sprinkle a few drops of holy water to seal, these rings are a symbol of eternity and everlasting love and commitment. Wear them as a public display of your unending love and affection.

Groom; with this ring, I  wed  thee.

Bride;  with this ring, I wed thee.

Consecration of cakes and wine

As the lord and lady, have witnessed this act, so also has the sun, and moon and stars. The elemental guardians, and our friends and family have born witness   to this steadfast love, we are all blessed with this joy today, and close our circle, to begin the feast and merriment with this newest wedded couple. I now pronounce you husband and wife, let us welcome Mr. and Mrs. ________. 
                                                                                                         blessed be

At this time, the broom is at the  opening of the circle.  the couple  jumps  across the threshold as one. Their white cord is removed, and feasting begins.

Another option is for friends and family to form two lines and with their own brooms, sweep in front of themselves,  as the happy couple runs through the line to start the feast.

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
You can  become an ordained minister, for free,  and for life, so use this Free Online Ordination, link.
This  online seminary, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Friday, September 3, 2010

Online Ceremonies

Othila Pagan ceremony for blessing an Infant

Wiccan Baby Naming

Universal Life Church

In this ceremony the infant is introduced to the lord and lady, and the 4 elements. It is not the intention to bestow a religious path upon the infant, as this will be determined at a later date by the child and their parents.

The altar and cauldron are decorated with flowers and greenery, and gifts for the child are placed on or near the altar. Rose-oil for blessing and light incense are also placed on the altar. Two candles to represent the god and goddess along with a candle for the child are placed on the altar as well.

If the parents wish to give the infant a “hidden” name, this should be decided on before the ceremony, and the child should be introduced as such during the ceremony.

The ritual:

All persons enter sacred space and the circle is cast according to custom. Sangreal prayer is recited.

Invocation follows

Parents and infant are seated in circle facing the altar, and godparents stand beside them.

  objects  on altar are consecrated.

We gather this day, along with our ancestors to introduce this child ____________ to the elemental forces, and ask for the blessing of our god and goddess. We ask that this child may grow in beauty and strength, in joy and wisdom,  there are many paths, and each one finds their own in time, therefore, we do not bind this child _____________ to any one path, rather do we ask the lord and lady, who know all paths, and  to whom all paths do lead, to bless ,protect, and prepare, _____________ through the years of childhood, and to the time when the path of certainty will be chosen without doubt or fear, and with gladness.

Pledge of the godparents;

Do you __________ promise to be a friend   to ___________ throughout their childhood, to aid and guide   as need arises, and in concord with this child’s parents, to watch over  and love ________ as if they were of your blood? Do you so promise?

Godparents promise “ I do Promise.

 Moving around the circle from east to north the infant is introduced as follows:


We introduce ____________ to the element of air, (infant is smudged with incense) may all of your prayers be carried with a gentle breeze, may   you  find answers, and communication in the element of air.

We introduce __________ to the element of fire, ( infant  is anointed with oil) may you find  courage, and fire of spirit. May you always   find  protection with  the element of fire.

We introduce _________ to the element of water, ( infant is anointed with holy water.) may you find harmony, and wisdom in the flowing waters of rivers, lakes and streams. May you always find healing in the element of water.

We introduce _________ to the element of earth,( infant is given a few granules of salt on their lips) may you find strength, stability, and firm foundations in the cool firm earth. May you always be grounded in the element of earth

We introduce ________ to our lord god and lady goddess, may   your  blessings  shine upon this child all of their days, bringing joy to this child’s parents and godparents. We ask that you bestow wisdom, patience, compassion, and firm foundations to these adults that you have  entrusted  in  the  care and upbringing of _________ . let us seal this act of faith and trust.

Consecration of cakes and wine

We thank our lord and lady for their blessings on this child and family today, and we are thankful for our many blessings.

We also thank the elemental kings for their witness to this, our act of worship.

We welcome __________ into this beautiful, most   precious  world, and ask that  the memories of this special day remain with us for many days to come. We close our circle now, and remember that it is truly closed and never broken. our rite is finished, we are thankful,
                                             so mote it be.

Sangreal prayer:

Beloved blood mother of my especial breed,

Welcome me into your willing womb,

Let me learn to live in love, of all that you are,

So that my seeking spirit will serve the sangreal,

                                                                 Blessed be

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
You can  become an ordained minister, for free,  and for life, so use this Free Online Ordination, link.
This  online seminary, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Online Ceremonies

Ceremony for Lugnasad (lammas; first grain)
Universal Life Church 

As the wheel of seasons continues to turn, we gather to honor the sun god, lugh, and the earth mother danu. The seeds of hope that were planted in spring, have matured into fruits and grain to be harvested and put away for the long cold nights ahead. projects and ideas that were inspired by the dark nights of winter, have matured, and their developments are to be reflected upon, so changes can be made for next year. We give thanks for our bountiful harvest, and mourn the sacrifice made by the god and the earth mother in the reaping of the grain. Let us honor them now with this, our rite.

Casting the circle/ making sacred space:

Ask participants to hold hands as they invite the old ones, and elemental kings to the rite,

“Close your eyes, and breathe in deeply, feel “ the element of air” welcome the mental clarity that comes from air,

Again breathe deeply, and welcome “the element of fire”, feel your spirit deep inside you, light with a fire from within. Welcome the protection, and courage, the passion of your faith. Welcome, fire.

Take a breath and let it fill your toes and continue up to the top of your head in one continuous wave.
 Exhale and let your breath flow. Feel the harmony and peace, let your breath, restore  your balance. welcome “ the element of water.

With feet firmly planted on the ground, breathe deeply and imagine yourself grounded to the earth,  with roots that extend deep into the soil. Feel your stability, stand on firm foundation, you are a rock, and your faith is unwavering, and strong. Welcome “the element of earth”.”

“Let us now invoke our gods of old, pray with me, father , lugh, god of the sun, and danu, our mother earth, welcome us into your willing womb. Let us learn to live in love, of all that you are so that our seeking spirit, will serve you in this our rite of honor and thanksgiving. We are your children. Protect us   as we seek wisdom and guidance from you, help us to understand the meaning of your mysteries,  as we meet today as others have met before us, to honor you with this our rite.”

The rite:
(For this ceremony, a shaft of wheat, or an ear of corn is ritually cut at dawn, and placed on the altar before the ceremony. Participants are asked to place their best fruits and vegetables on the altar as well so they can be blessed and consumed at the feast. Sometimes a harvest king and queen is chosen as well to preside over the festivities. A shaft of wheat or a portion of the seeds of the harvest are given out to all participants to be kept safe, and planted the following year, to ensure next years bountiful harvest. Corn dollies are fashioned as decorations and for children to play with. Berry pies and whole grain bread fashioned from new wheat and cornmeal are served) 

celebrant  speaks to congregation holding up the shaft of wheat or ear of corn;

“behold, the seed planted in the dark womb of our mother, has sprouted, grown, and now matured. It is cut and sacrificed, so as to become food for our bodies, and energy for our spirits. We mourn the death of the harvest king, the sacrifice made for us so we may live. As we partake of the harvest this day, let us remember the sacrifice, and allow this food to nourish our physical bodies as well as our spiritual body.
    Let us reflect also on our projects, relationships and ideas that we have nurtured this year, and give thanks for those that have developed and prospered.”

    (Each participant is given a grain of wheat or a seed)

   “ Know that we hold in this seed the hope and promise of our harvest for next year. It is our faith in the blessings of our gods, that makes it so. Let each one of us receive this seed, to remember our harvest king and earth mother, let us keep it as a symbol of our faith, to be  planted next year as confirmation of  our faith and renewal of  our pledge to the old ways.” 

Consecration of food and drink;

( wine or fruit juice, various vegetables and fruits, as well as breads on the altar are blessed, and passed among the participants, so all may partake of the best of the harvest.)

“ let us now give thanks for this food and drink, lovingly prepared by willing hands and grown with the goodness of the earth, and the strength of the sun, let us give thanks for our ancestors who came before us and who have taught us the ways of the old ones. Let us learn from them love, humility, sacrifice and service so that together we can make our home a better place for all. May this food and drink nourish us today, and through memory, tomorrow.”
( food and drink is passed to all participants)


“In peace and love we gathered here today, to give thanks and mourn the sacrifices made by all so we may live to worship here again. We thank the elemental kings of earth and air and fire and water, for stability, mental clarity, protection, and harmony. We thank our god, lugh, and our dear earth mother danu, for their guidance and wisdom to understand the mysteries of life and death. Our circle is closed now, but never broken, and remains a sacred place for us to meet again. We leave now in peace and love, and take with us a small seed to remind us of this day, and our love for our ways and each other. Blessed be.”


Altar decorated with summer fruits and vegetables, and summer flowers, such as sunflowers, white candles (one to represent  each,the god and goddess). Table  cloths of gold or yellow, to represent the sun. berry  pies , whole grain bread, freshly baked, wrapped in white cloths, placed in baskets on altar.

Games of summer;  making corn dollies, from ripe ears of corn, or shafts of wheat. Games of tag and races, corn mazes, fire-fly catching, music, dance, making sunflower hats, swimming, bonfires, storytelling

Hanging corn on front door;

1 ear; meant that your crop was small and your family may need food for the winter, those with plenty would leave food on the doorstep to help those in need.

2 ears; meant that you had enough food to last your own family for the winter

3 ears; meant you had plenty to share with those in need,

this was a way  to aid the poor, but to do so discretely.

Written by rev. becky king
Also known to our troops as “mamadukes’

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
You can  become an ordained minister, for free,  and for life, so use this Free Online Ordination, link.
This  online seminary, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies
Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pagan Online Ceremonies

By Rev. A. Einion (Cardiff)
A Look At Paganism

Hello all

Paganism today is as multi-faceted as it ever was, perhaps even more so. But there are fundamental aspects of The Craft which underlie the belief systems of most pagans and which inform us in our daily lives.

One of these in the Threefold Law. Most pagans know the rede "An it harm none, do what ye will." Added to this is the rule that whatever you send out into the Universe you will receive back, like for like, threefold. If you transmit love, then three times as much love will return to you. If you transmit hate, then that hate will be returned to you three times over. This forms the bedrock of pagan morality for many pagans, and as such needs to be explored a little more in relation to notions of good and evil.

As other ministers have already mentioned, most pagans do not believe in a devil, but in evil residing in the hearts of people who practice it. Others argue that paganism is not a religion. For some it is a religion, with a prescribed set of teachings, a book, rules and guidelines for living our lives. Those of us from Hereditary backgrounds are more likely to be of the latter kind of pagan. For us, notions of good and evil also come from working against the laws of nature and of the Family or Coven.

What is to do harm?

Many of us do not realise that to do harm can merely be a product of failing to act. If someone is being unjustly accused of a crime or an action, and we do not act to correct the injustice, we have allowed harm to occur. If we see someone being bullied but do nothing to correct that, we are doing harm. Failing to act in the presence of evil, when such action can bring about good or prevent harm, is to do harm as surely as if we had carried out the act ourselves.

What are the rules?

Our Family tenet revolves around Love, and all of its manifestations. This means we must act only in love, worship only in love, come together only in love, however that may manifest itself. Certain 'morality systems' might then have issues with the ways in which that is occasionally manifested, or with the ways in which certain of our group choose to work magickally in order to engender love or follow the tides of energy that flow from the Gods themselves. If we are to 'do only that which is right' then we must clearly identify the definition of right. Is it right to go against the flow of nature? Is it right to engender hate by ill-wishing through malicious gossip?

But what if the action you take is something that is right for you, but seems wrong to others?

This is where all situations, circumstances and happenings must be examined in the light of full knowledge of all the facts. Let me give you an example. A Family coven is working closely together, and the powers raised are such that two of the coven manifest them in a way that involves physical intimacy. One of the pair is married to someone outside the coven.

Is this wrong? In the light of those simple facts, yes, because it would be doing harm to betray a monogamous, sworn relationship and hurt another person.

But let us look at the full facts. The marriage was already on the point of ending, the couple had been having an open relationship for some time, and the one who engaged in this act did so knowing that it would not change anything in his marriage, only in his magickal growth and knowledge.

The other of the magickal pairing was also aware of these facts, and deemed that if Love was being made manifest in this manner, it was being made manifest as a force of change and growth, liberating the married couple from a stagnant and unhappy state and allowing both to move on to new paths and new relationships.

No harm was done until someone close to the married couple found out and began spreading malicious, cruel and evil gossip about the Family, threatening the Family with physical and psychological violence, and publicly condemning them. This person acted without full knowledge of the facts, and in the assumption that things occurred which did not occur. Their only purpose was to tell the whole world that the Family were evil.

But who was in the wrong here? It is a difficult question. I will not give you the answers, but allow you to muse upon it yourselves. Just remember, so-called Christian morality is not necessarily all-encompassing and, while it works for some people, is not the only moral standpoint. If we look at the tides of life for knowledge and understanding, we can see that life is constantly in a state of growth and change. It is, in our view, more 'right' to follow that flow, to move with the tides of nature and with life and with love.

I hope this has given you food for thought, without laying down the law.

Love and Blessings

Rev. A. Einion (Cardiff)

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
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Monday, August 2, 2010

Online Ceremonies

Gather a small group of friends who are making this transition.

Ask them each to prepare their favorite dish to share with the group.

Set the tone by lighting candles and remind them that just as birthing a child can be a painful and yet amazing transition when done consciously, the same is true for allowing the child to fly. So this ritual is about bring deeper consciousness to the emotions and feelings surrounding this transition.

The leader might being with the reading "A New Dance" and then do a guided meditation.

Asking each guest to travel through the years that they spent with their children.
Allowing any feelings to just be notices, sadness, guilt, joy, pride.

Bring them to the present moment, and allow them to visualize themselves in a garden surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants, tall oaks, and climbing vines. Allow them to walk around the grounds and find a place to sit. In this place have them ask for the continued perfect unfoldment, for continued guidance, and for continued grace.

Allow them to look out at all the paths that lay ahead of them, there are some that lead to the ocean, some that lead to the city, some that lead to a party of dancing people, some that lead to a library and museums. etc.

Then ask them just to notice the paths and give thanks for all these possible perfect path ways of their future. Remind them that they always carry the blood of their offspring with them where ever they go. Remind them that the same is true for their children. Their children carry apart of their parents forever. So that the two will
never be severed.

Have tissues, note paper and pens available.

Invite each member to write about their experience and  any thoughts or ideas that may have come to light. Invite them to share with the group or just hold on to it.

Bless and share the meal.

Best of luck with your project. I know it all unfolds with effortless ease and for the greater good of all.



The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have many classes in Christianity, one about Wicca, several forms of Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

You can  become an ordained minister, for free,  and for life, so use this Free Online Ordination, link.

This  online seminary, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies

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