Free Online Ceremonies

The Universal Life Church offers free ceremonies of a wide variety of types, online for your use. Wedding, funeral, baby naming ceremonies and more for your use.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Online Ceremonies

Spiritual Healings
By Jeremy Stephen Yates

Last night I helped my 81 year old mother heal spiritually from a virus. It isn't hard if you know what you are doing.
Anyone can do this if they follow the simple principles.

1)Reaffirm the sick person's belief in their God(s) or Goddess.
You can do this either through reading from some part of a sacred text such as psalm 107 verses 17-22 for those of the Jewish or Christian persuasion. Or you can pray to their God and Goddess if the person is Pagan or Wiccan.

2) Take a piece of jewelry and charge it with power to keep the person whole and well and tell the patient that their Guardian Angel, Patron Saint, is acting as an intercessor between their God and/or Goddess and the patient and the tangible aspect of this is the special magical power that the God/dess is in the piece of jewelry, which will make them spiritually invincible against the attacks of their "demons" or diseases.

What I actually did for my mother is take a St.George medallion and tell her in a calm but confident voice, that the Lord Jesus acting as intercessor between God and her was resident in her St.George medallion and that as long as her medallion was near her or on her she was invincible to her dragon and she had her Guardian strength and invincibility to conquer her dragon. I played right into her St. George and the dragon mythos. Immediately her voice came back and she stopped vomitting and gathered her strength.

This can be done with any jewelry or ouanga bag, whatever means something to the patient.

3) This does not preclude a physician's care, but should be used in conjunction therewith.

4) If possible light a candle for the patient, or leave a small light lit before you leave the patient. This symbolizes the Divine Light ever present in our lives.


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